My gear
My gear
My gear
My gear
as a filmmaker, I believe owning your own equipment is a game-changer. in a fast-moving industry where content needs to be delivered quicker than ever, having your own gear gives you a serious advantage.
no time wasted on rentals
full control over pricing and budgets
complete familiarity with your equipment
this isn’t a full list—check out the complete overview of the tools I own here.
as a filmmaker, I believe owning your own equipment is a game-changer. in a fast-moving industry where content needs to be delivered quicker than ever, having your own gear gives you a serious advantage.
no time wasted on rentals
full control over pricing and budgets
complete familiarity with your equipment
this isn’t a full list—check out the complete overview of the tools I own here.
Camera & Lenses

Sony FX3
Main camera for smaller jobs or outdoor stuff. Usually my 2nd/gimbal cam on bigger shoots.
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Sony FX3
Main camera for smaller jobs or outdoor stuff. Usually my 2nd/gimbal cam on bigger shoots.
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amaran 200X S
SUCH a good light. Lightweight, easy to travel with and great output to weight ratio.
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amaran 200X S
SUCH a good light. Lightweight, easy to travel with and great output to weight ratio.
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Aputure LightDome 150cm
A beautiful source. Use this for most of my doc work. Make sure to use a heavy-duty stand & 300X + light (metal bowens mount)
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Aputure LightDome 150cm
A beautiful source. Use this for most of my doc work. Make sure to use a heavy-duty stand & 300X + light (metal bowens mount)
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